Title: Detentions Character(s): Evan Rosier, James Potter Prompt: the cruelest month Rating: PG Word count: 496 Author's note: Use of the f-word a couple times. A bit of a sequel to I Know.
Title: Gossip Character(s): Evan Rosier, Wilkes Prompt: supernova Rating: G Word count: 715 Author's notes: Very slight allusion to Evan/Emmeline. Mostly based off the sudden revelation that guys gossip more than I ever thought they did.
Title: I Know Character(s): Evan Rosier, James Potter Prompt: draw the line in the sand Rating: G Word Count: 206 Author's Notes: Kind of took the liberty that James and Evan were neighbors when they were little. I'd say they are about 8 or 9 in this. All dialogue.
Title: Can I Help? Character(s): Evan Rosier Prompt: did you see what I did? Rating: PG Word Count: 439 Author's Notes: A very, very slight reference to torture. Blink and you miss it.